We took the long way around the pond this morning. Walking up to the edge of the pines but not over to the other side of the ridge into the old apple orchard. Touching the branches of the spruce and cedar appreciating their stance. Coyote tracks were throughout this ridge and into and out of the forest.
Looking back from this vantage point to see the broader view of the pond and beyond, a perspective we hadn’t taken for some time. This was one of Max-dog’s favourites. And coyote too - protected from behind by the trees - and able to see far and wide.
Perspective is a powerful tool. What we choose informs how we might act. Our emotions influence our view. Anger, sadness, understanding or empathy. Be mindful of the range we can explore before we take action is critical to effective leadership.
A leader responsible for the process of a recent restructure is reflecting on how they got there. How people were through the experience - some were gracious, angry, surprised, relieved. A range of emotion and perspectives. None are right, none are wrong. What might come next. As they experience the range of emotions and choosing to not act for now, rather reflect and support those in need.
Do you immediately move to judgment? or do you make room to explore?
How will you make enough room to scout it out?
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