Wren is beautiful
I stopped to admire the apple tree on the path to the yurt. The sunrise was alighting some of it’s branches in a golden warmth. Just then as I was looking up, Wren popped out of it’s nest - a knot in a thicker branch offering the perfect recessed spot within the tree.
I thanked Wren for sharing his beauty and his safe sacred space within Apple tree.
Our client is scaling rapidly, so we met as a working group to discuss the changes. Included in the group were the two co-founders their head of operations and their head of people. We were discussing scaleable processes and how to maintain their culture within the context of what was now required.
How do they keep all the good parts of who they are and what they do and demonstrate that some fundamental shifts were required. ‘What got us here won’t get us there’ - we’ll need to ask people to change behaviour and it won’t feel comfortable.
We talked about their mission and they might communicate the changes required in a way that engages the team leads and gets them excited. Everything comes down to the shared mission - making explicit the why that joins them all in the choice to pursue their work, and co-creating the processes that will support their goals and enable them to scale.
Does Wren ask the Apple tree for the safe space to build her nest? It is a symbiotic relationship. There is unspoken permission centuries old and we gain from the beauty they display in sharing their sacred safe spaces.
Whom do you share sacred space with?
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